I'm sure many people have heard or done this themselves. It's very much a bucket list, but I really hate calling it that for reasons I can't understand. However, I never thought much of age, but now that everyone seems to be so kindly reminding me that I'm that much closer to being 30, I thought this would at least be a nicer way to usher in the big 3-0 in a couple of years. That, or have a panic attack that I didn't come anywhere near accomplishing what I wanted to. Nonetheless, here's the list that I've compiled for the next two years. I'd love for any help or company in accomplishing all of these! 30-Before-30: 1. Photograph my first wedding 2. Take a cooking class 3. Run a half-marathon 4. Skydive 5. Develop my own brand 6. Explore Costa Rica 7. Take a calligraphy class 8. Complete a Triatholon 9. Own a dog 10. Sell something handmade on Etsy or Pinterest 11. Take a foreign language class 12. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail 13. Pa...