Weekend Update: President's Weekend

This weekend was a long welcomed break and we made sure to try and take advantage of our extended amount of free time, with celebration of Presidents Day (by sleeping in and making homemade brunch, of course!) to rock climbing on both Saturday and Sunday.    However, the real fun started Thursday night where Jon spoiled me rotten with an awesome home-cooked meal and my very own brand new camera bag and flowers for Valentine's Day. He's quite the catch, let me tell you :) Friday night I hit the park for a leisurely 4 miles with Bear dog.  It was SO so nice to actually run outside after work in the balmy 40ยบ weather! Afterwards, their was reparations to be made.  The last weekend, Jon and Will had valiantly (read: won by 2) beat Leah and I in an awesome game of snowshoe discgolf.  As a result, we wagered a delicious dinner graciously made by the losers. (Us.) So Animal Style Burgers were made, and devoured.  Unfortunately, I was so engrossed with eating them, I forgot to take photographic evidence.  It was out of The Book of Burger by Rachael Ray, which I highly recommend.  

We actually got two really great rock climbing sessions in this weekend, which was nice to be able to do two days in a row.  I finally got a 5.10 with a gnarly overhang that I've been working on for nearly 2 1/2 months.  So I was really excited, needless to say.  My very talented friend Marguerite spent time giving me a personalized manicure at Salon de Roth, which was awesome.  I'm so thankful!  Saturday night we revisited our favorite Vietnamese restaurant and got to hang out with some fun friends. Sunday was a day of rest and re-cooperation.  We climbed in the afternoon, but we actually made a dinner date with some of our neighborhood friends where we took a stab at making our own sushi!  And, I can tell you that they came our much better than I had thought they might. We used Ahi Tuna and Crab, cream cheese, cucumber and other yummy ingredients.  Today, was our run of the mill "get-ready-for-the-work-week" day filled with laundry, grocery shopping and dinner with Jon's family.  Oh yeah, and we decided that I WILL BE ATTENDING THE MAKING THINGS HAPPEN 2013 CONFERENCE!!! But more on that later. :)  I hope you're weekend was just as restful and replenishing.

Happy Monday!  


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