February Goals

Normally, this feels like a rhythmic post. Something I do every month, whether I blog about it or not. However, this year around New Years I felt as if I heard more negativity surrounded around goal-setting and following through with things. The reasoning behind setting goals (and then for some, making them public) is different for each person. Some need outside motivation. Some like to keep theirs private in case they aren't achieved and others just think the whole idea is quite silly.

I spent a lot of time reflecting on what I wanted this next year of my life to look like, whether I was being realistic in making achievable goals and what the real direction I wanted to go with things in my life. I want to encourage those that have a difficult time sharing their aspirations with others to find a way to do so. Write a time honored favorite, a letter, to your best friend asking them to just listen and acknowledge. Share them on a blog, twitter or Facebook, whichever platform you feel most comfortable. Whichever you choose, just share them. You'll have others to encourage you and hold you accountable. And it's always nice to know you have someone routing for you, either way. So, in steeping down off my box, here are my February goals.

- Enroll in at least 1 Photography through community college classes or Capital District Photography meet-up class this month.
- Blog at least 2x a week consistently.
- Finish 1 book.

Health and Wellness:
- Find time 3 mornings a week BEFORE WORK/WEEKEND FUN to have time to breathe, stretch, run or meditate.

Here's to completing goals from start to finish this month.


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