30 Days (or more?) of Thanks.

In the wake of the Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy, I am humbled by the snippets of generosity and kindness we hear about through the news, twitter and Facebook. Donations of money, clothing and food, people opening up their homes to strangers and even people with power placing power-strips on the curb of their homes for free cell phone charging. Little bits here and there are wonderful reminders the strength and kindness that does still exist in our country. But what about the other days? What about the days when there isn't a "natural disaster" plaguing the east coast? Are we truly outwardly thankful for the smallest of things that we have as individuals? I know I personally suck at finding something each day to be thankful for.

That being said, I'm going to try and post #30daysofthanks from now until the end of November. The idea is that hopefully in doing this I can take a minute in the excessive busyness, electronically driven lives, I will take at least a minute to be thankful for all that I've been given and all that is to come. I hope to continue this even after the holiday season, but maybe just write them down individually and post them at the end of each month.

So, in lieu of the beginning of #30daysofthanks: Even though I am living far away, I am thankful for being able to talk to my parents at least 1 each day.


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