Vermont Snow Weekend: February 23 & 24th

This past weekend was close to perfection.  Jon and I were able to go visit the Mountain Top Inn and Resort in Chittenden, VT.  It's an old, historic inn located in the Green Mountains in Vermont.  We were so lucky with the weather while we were there because it snowed on both Saturday and Sunday, making our snowshoe adventure on Saturday and our first time to Killington Ski resort a great success.  Not to mention, we ate our way through Vermont with homemade cheeses, syrup and delicious microbrews! There were so many great things about the weekend, I was so sad to see it end.  Most importantly though, I hope the wintry gods take this as our ode to winter and call it a wrap.  I'm ready for spring!

I may have gotten hit right in the chest with a snowball after this was taken.
There were these adorable older couple learning how to to cross-country ski as we were hiking up the mountain.


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