Making Things Happen 2013!

This past week, I found out some amazing news.  Whilst drinking my coffee and having my "morning-me" time this week, I stumbled upon a very exciting announcement.  The Making Things Happen Conference announced they were having their conference this coming March for not just 1, but TWO DAYS!  What is The Making Things Happen (MTH) conference?  I'm so glad you asked!

MTH is an intensive conference that is designed to get down to the heart of a business.  Your heart.  The conference is ran by 3 very talented women that have actually gone through and started their own personal businesses and seem them grow, thrive and flourish over the last few years.  These women have amazing stories to tell and they have brought in some amazing talent as keynote speakers over the two days.  Many have planted their roots in the wedding industry and have gone in the direction that they were led and have seen all the benefits of their hard word, passion, creativity and roots in their faith and character.  One of my favorites being Nancy Ray Photography.  I have never had the opportunity to meet Nancy personally, but I feel like I know her.  (I guess that's what happens when you enthusiastically and religiously check someones blog).  But it was through this followship that I've been encouraged to be more vocal about what I really want for my life.  I want to capture the essence of the human spirit behind the lens of a camera.  I want to be apart of the moments where people begin the rest of their lives, whether it be in love, family or friendship.  I want to not only share these moments through creating and editing my own web domain, but I also want to include aspects of creation that any one can do.  Pinterest has helped to create such a wonderful culture of sharing of inspiration and creativity.  I want to develop this web space to share these adventures in creating from Do-It-Yourself crafts to organizational tidbits. 

These are things that the upcoming conference will provide.  Answers to questions that not only provide direction and the ability to develop, but the exciting opportunity to meet with other aspiring entrepreneurs that are working towards the same fulfillment in their lives that I want for my own.  I'm excited that this year, I'm in a position where I'm actively considering going to this amazing conference.  Two years ago, this wasn't even on the radar.  It was just a blip in the distance of a hobby.  Now, I'm determined to turn it into my reality.  I'm ready to Make. Things. Happen. in. 2013.

Will you join me?


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