Weekend Update: January 26 & 27th

This weekend was full of a wide range of activities that I was able to accomplish after the ridiculously long work week this past week.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I would try a second attempt to run a half-marathon.  (I missed my first one after my little brother made it to College Nationals for Ultimate Frisbee his senior year in Boulder, Colorado.  I decided it would be better and much more fun to go support him instead.) I decided to sign-up for Rivertown Half-Marathon in Danville, PA.  It looks to be a middle of the road marathon, with not extreme elevation discrepancies and continues next to a river in western PA.  Jon and I decided we were going to make a weekend of it and stay in the area to do some camping and climbing on the Sunday after the race.  However, I decided I should probably start logging some miles again.  I was reading in Runners Magazine last week that it's good to create variations in your running routines and I decided to do some mile-repeats for my run on Friday.  I was a bit sore on Saturday, which I blame solely on the treadmill (it was 16 degrees in NY on Friday).  However, it justified my first experience at The Brown Bag in Troy, which was spectacularly delicious (and grossly unhealthy).  We also got to pop into The Ruck in downtown Troy to meet some friends for Stone Brewery night.

Saturday, I was able to start working on two projects that have been on my to-do list for a long time.  I finally completed my first infinity scarf using my sewing machine!  I was so excited to finally set aside some time to devote towards this.  I ran through the threading and making my own bobbins and was able to complete my own scarf and pillow case (almost!).  I wanted to be able to wash the cases for the throws that I was making so I still need to buy some zipper closures to completely finish the pillows for the couch.  (I'll post finished pictures and step-by-step sometime this week!)

Jon and I got to have a date-night on Saturday for dinner and a movie. We decided to try a local Vietnamese restaurant and I had Pho for the first time.  It was great and I can't believe I'd never had it before.  It'll definitely be one of our local favorites to go back and re-visit.  Sunday we made brunch and went snowshoeing and rock climbing.  Jon let me indulge in Starbucks (I hate how much I love it) and we did our normal Sunday night grocery shopping at Trader Joe's which is always something I look forward to on Sundays, which is great because I used to loathe even the idea of it.  Who says you can't teach... well, you know what I mean.

How was your weekend?  Did you finally complete any projects from your to do list?



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