November Goals

As of late, there's been a lot of exciting and new changes slowly occurring in my life. Often times, people talk about how they hate change. But not me. Nope. I love it. It's exciting and scary and exhilarating all at the same time. Yesterday, I accepted a new position at the organization I work for, which means a whole boat load of new and unknowing adventures. I was also asked to help a family friend build a website for her new business, which prompted some entrepreneurial thinking of my own. While all of these new things are currently in their infant stages, I'm excited to begin the planning processes of these growth changes! So without further ado, November goals.

Personal Development:
1. Create, write and plan the direction and business proposal for creative design LLC and personal website I want to start.

2. Develop all essential paperwork.

3. Begin saving 5% of paycheck to invest in needed technologies (i.e: new computer, programs, licensing, etc)

Health & Wellness:
1. Attend at least 2 yoga classes per week.

2. Wake up early at least 2 days per week for personal meditating and stretching.

3. Contain coffee consumption to 2 cups per day (I know, this one is bad that its more than 2 already).

1. Finish holiday wreath for front door.

2. Begin working on holiday cards for family and friends.

3. Incorporate at least 1 element of DIY in the gift giving for Christmas.

Here's to a great month, friends!


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