A Glorious 6-pack Weekend & A Marriage-to-Boot

This past few weekends have been crazy.  The weather has finally turned and it's been beautiful in upstate New York.  However, the chill has started to set-in for the long-haul just in time for us to take a jaunt down to North Carolina for our good friend's EMILY AND JOHN's lovely WEDDING!

There's some back story that needs to be filled in to understand the hype that was the six pack reuniting.  In 2009, I spent my first year as a graduated "professional" working for my alma mater as one of the technology staff.  In doing such, I was afforded the luxury of spending an extra year with some of my closest friends and added an additional group of girls to the mix.  Hence, the six-pack was created and we've been fighting for the chance to reunite all 6 of us since we all went our separate ways  in 2009.

Our wonderful excursion started heading down to Washington DC and we spent the night with Jon's family.  It was a quick turnaround considering the late arrival in the city, but we met my beautiful friend Krizay and Katy B's lovely gentleman friend at the metro stop and hit the road faster than Bonnie and Clyde.  We made a quick pitstop in Richmond, VA for a delicious lunch at The Black Sheep.  The sandwiches were ENORMOUS.  It was a delicious meal for the 495-traffic-blues and our beer-tender had a thing for our precious Krizay.

The rest of the weekend was surrounded by seeing great friends and celebrating the beautiful couple that is Emily and John (I didn't say Kamischke!  I did good!).  It was a gorgeous wedding at a beautiful venue (our teammate, Morgan's backyard!) with great barbeque, delicious beer and lots of dancing.  It also should be noted that Jon and I ended with a spotless Cornhole record and I skied Katy for the bouquet.

Of course, a major part of this trip was surrounded by food.  After living in the south for 5 years, you forget how good it is... and how awful it can really make you feel.  Some of the food-lights were Monterreys Margaritas, a delicious Cookout Shake (clearly with a side of hushpuppies), Wafflehouse and Biscuitville.  We tried to counterbalance the foodfest by taking a jaunt out to Pilot Mountain on Saturday for a hike and throwing the frisbee around on Wake Forest's campus (post-Cookout, not a great idea). Needless to say, a lot of running took place the week after eating my way through the state of North Carolina.

Luckily, for us, we've had a couple of Washington DC (gus-gus!) reunions, and now after October 6th, two weddings under our belts.  Here's what the weekend looked like through my lens.  I can't wait for the chance for all 6 of us to be together again.  Costa Rica or bust 2013??


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