Adirondack Balloon Festival!

Starting next week (isn't that how all goals start, you put them off until next week?) I will be regularly updating this gem on Thursday afternoons.  In the meantime, I've got a LOT of missed time to make up for.  So perhaps I'll do a summer in review (cop out) or even better, a back to the future to the past which will then allow me to talk about the glorious summer months.

In the mean time, I'm going to recap this past weekend's festivities!  I'd like to say New York (upstate) in the fall is anomaly. It's not.  It's quite similar to the falls in Michigan.  Back in college the fact that a North Carolina autumn could span all the way into December was baffling.  I'd come home to Ann Arbor over fall break and the leaves would mostly be on the ground, wet with almost-freezing rain on top.  In NC, the leaves were barely changing colors yet.  My favorite tournament of the fall season was easily in Boone, NC the last weekend of Oct./early November specifically because of the fall foliage was in full bloom!  Now, I'm trying to soak up all that autumn has to offer seeing as I am back in the Northeastern-ish area (is Michigan really mid-western?  Really?) and I'm afraid I'm going to blink and the leaves will all be gone.

What better way to do that then attending the ADIRONDACK BALLOON FESTIVAL?!?! (The answer is:none.  There is no better way.)  We began our adventure at 4:30 in the morning.  The coffee was pre-set and the gargoyles (Jon) were still hibernating.  We met our friends Will and Leah at a Starbucks and the ridiculousness began.  With some minor google navigating challenges (cutting lines) we were in Glens Falls and parked in no time (2 hours).  The balloons were huge, and overcast skies aside, pretty incredible. Their were 10 "fun shapes" that were encouraged to take off as well, but they mostly did hops around the airport grasslands, not really capable of flying anywhere.  While we kept our feet on the ground the majority of the morning, the balloons were pretty magical.  And as funny as it was to have the curmudgeons along, the boys were really good troopers about getting up so early on a Saturday morning....... Annnnnnnnnnd allowing us to go shopping at the JCrew outlet.

But delicious brunches (yes: brunches) was purchased for them in gratitude for their chipper and upbeat personalities.   Definitely something I would recommend doing if you ever get a chance.  The fact that humans have discovered ways to inflate ridiculously colored nylon in ways to induce flight is pretty awesome.  Next time, I hope to be more stealthy about being a stow-away.


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