June 2012: Monthly Goals!

In my attempts to make this more a fully encompassing website, I’ve come to recognize that I need to be intentional about what my goals are for each month.  I’m fairly good about keeping a list each month and trying to accomplish things throughout, but perhaps by publishing these aspirations, maybe I’ll see an increase in my productivity!  So in the name of productivity, my June monthly goals:

  • Workout 4 times per week:  Making sure to include weight resistance training at least 2x per week and not focusing strictly on cardio.
  • Wake up by 6 am, at least 4 days per week.  I always feel so much more productive when I'm waking up early and making good use of my time
  • Cut back on time spent on digital media outlets.  Be more intentional about spending time outside, cooking, crafting, reading or spending with loved ones.
  • Begin my 1 book a month read and review!
  • Send 1 homemade card a week to friends or family.  Make sure those that are in my life feel loved and supported.
I think that should be a good way to start for the summer.  It's going to be a good one, I can already tell!


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