i've got a blog.

i had one of these in highschool.
i lied. i had one even when i was in college, too. however, this time i've made one because it's easier than just writing. not to mention, i think i might actually use this more. its just easier really.

besides, i'm about to leave a place i've known as home for 5 years, i have to have something to show for it.

i'm convinced that the male and female species were not actually meant to compliment one another so much as complicate one another's lives. all my life, i've been told that you're supposed to be looking for someone that compliments you. Not in the way where some guy is constantly flattering you, but in a salt and pepper, banana and peanut butter kind of way. however, i don't know where it happened, but i always believed that complimentary things, such as red and green on the color spectrum wheel, while were completely different, always shared some sort of middle ground; i.e. they were directly across from each other on the color wheel. that was their link to one another. i guess somewhere along the line, i turned the word complimentary into compatible or agreeable. i'm 99% convinced that the majority of the time, most guys and girls aren't completely in that type of relationship without someone making some sort of a concession to who they really are as a person. whether it's big or small in the scheme of things, it makes me wonder if we are told when we're younger that we have to find someone to be "complimentary/compatible" with in your lifetime and so we spend the majority of it trying to mold and change our likes, dislikes and interests so that they are somewhere within the realm of the person were most attracted to at the time. that sounds so cynical, i realize, but i feel like either i was trying to change myself in some minuscule, or one of the guys i dated was trying to change themselves to accommodate the "needs" of the relationship. at one point does things just sync up correctly? maybe this does actually happen, it's just more of an idea of Santa Clause to me. Doesn't exist because I've never seen it. besides, am i really supposed to believe a fat man can fit down my chimney? exactly, almost as ridiculous as finding complimentary people. maybe i just don't believe because i haven't seen it, or maybe because i haven't met the right one yet.

either way, if i ever find the two people in the world that epitmize this action, I'll let you know.


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