progress, not perfection

to say that i’ve been experiencing some exciting life changes over the past few weeks would be quite the understatement.  in the past month, i went to a wedding and to climb in colorado for a week.  i left my job from the previous 2 years in the non-profit sector and took a job in state government. (did i mention i work the overnight shift now?)  i moved OUT of our old apartment and moved into our new beautiful digs in a new & upcoming neighborhood.  we went from just j and i in a quaint, tight, COLD 1-BR apartment, to a 3-BR with an outdoor patio.. it comes completely equipped with an additional roommate and a 1-yr old black lab as addition to our two-man pack.  to say that i have uprooted my life and tried to restructure and replant in more solid soil is an understatement.

but i must say, i’m the happiest i’ve been in so long.  we have a beautiful new apartment (have i said beautiful enough? because i love it) with some wonderful outdoor space that’s just begging for potted plant life (cut me some slack, it’s still an apartment).   and, a lifelong dream has come true, we finally, finally, FINALLY got a dog, thatcher! he’s a ball of energy and a snuggle bug to boot (i promise there’s won’t be overly obsessive that many pictures of him). i know that my life path right now is far from clear and distinct, but i am content with that.   right now, it’s enough. 


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