i'd move 1,000 times to get a step closer to you.

so, WE'RE MOVING! still within the confines of albany, but... moving nonetheless. the specs of the new digs is 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, a balcony patio and a fireplace in my ROOM. some of the best parts? i get an office! (although, i and p keep calling it my craft room. apparently we'll be running a basket weaving shop right from the comfort of our home.) there are three or so more exciting aspects of the move. 
1. we get to move in with our good friend peter. pete's great. he loves fresh foods, is quick witted and i get to add another person to the "morning person" team. 

2. WE GET TO GET A DOG. it's such a dream to actually find a NICE place that will actually allow us to own a dog. i didn't think such a place existed in Albany. 

3. it's in a really nice neighborhood. it's down by a different part of downtown Albany that opens up so many more local places for us to frequent. you can expect for instagrams from places like mcgeary's, the victory cafe and the palace for sure.


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