April Goals: The Month of Birthday's and Springtime

I'm so pleased to be sitting here writing this and actually looking out my window at sunshine.  Ya'll... it's been SO long since that happened. I just don't understand how I keep finding myself in states that resemble a cave for 6-8 months a year.  Let's go Al.. COLORADO = 300 days of sunshine!  Le sigh..

Anyways, I've waited a month to do my goals again.  That was mostly in part of my attending the Making Things Happen conference down in North Carolina this past month.  Creating goals and finding time to make these little small changes that can help make my days and week look more like the ideal life that I want to live out realistically and intentionally.  So, in doing so, I wanted to make sure that the goals I made reflected this.  I want to be realistic because I ACTUALLY want to accomplish them and report back on the progress I've made.

Development: This month, I'm going to set aside 1-day a week for 3 hours where I work on my website development or reading about design elements or photography.
  1. They talked a lot about this at the conference: making time for you to have office hours and STICKING to those hours.  By doing this, you cans lowly train your brain that I can work (hopefully more efficiently) during this time and then close my computer and be done.  I hope that this can turn into twice a week or maybe even flex out a whole day sometime in the near future, but, I'll start small first and see how it goes.  My dear friend Marguerite has given me a wealth of knowledge and reading material.  Time to take this time to better myself and intentionally set aside time to do this.  

Health & Wellness: This month, I want to wake up early 2-days a week before work for meditation or setting aside time to run/workout.

  1. Let's be real frank, I sucked at this last month.  I started out strong and it went quickly down the tubes.  I've really been struggling with getting my sleep patterns down to a more consistent schedule.  I really want to be able to do this and be good at it.  I just need to constantly remind myself how much better I feel when I run/workout/breathe before work.

Personal: This month, I will continue to spend time reading. I will read 1-work related book and 1-fun book each month.

  1. I love camping out in front of the TV to watch a string of 18-episodes on Netflix as much as the next guy.  However, I always hate the way I feel when I'm doing it.  I really want to try and set aside to read this month, so that it may have the opportunity to become more habitual.  I think in part, the books are just as good as some of the TV shows I watch, if not ions better.  I read this article a week back in CNN about how electronics are constantly affecting our sleep patterns ue to the excessive lighting. (Read more about that here.) Hopefully this will help my goals in health and wellness and in turn, giving myself more time to be alert and get my development goal accomplished, too.
Here's to April Showers, bring many, many May Flowers. (And sunshine!)


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