Attempts at Adulthood: Sunday's really ARE Fundays

One of my favorite days each week is Sunday afternoon. It's funny because I hated Sundays in college. It was like someone threw a heavy weight on my chest and the looming week of classes and papers and group work just sat there while I quietly struggled to maintain composure. Or most likely, not so quietly. Most times I wasted away in bed or our living room adding re-runs of Law & Order SVU marathons to my excessive repertoire of episodes I had already seen and acting like I wasn't trying to graduate any time before the Mayans did their damage in 2012. Dramatics aside, I always survived, although I'm convinced I spent more time on Facebook on Sundays than I ever did with my nose in my comparative politics book.

However, its been the most pleasant change as I've gotten older (and stopped working seasonal jobs) I now love Sundays. I really do. It's typically filled with brunches and grocery shopping (more on this later) and laundry and dinner with Jon's family. Nothing overly exciting. Most days I am able to get a long run in, or go rock climbing, but the fact remains, it's one of the most refreshing and revitalizing days of the week. I am able to breathe, plan and prepare for the next week. I *try* to plan my workouts and prepare what I need to do in terms of my scheduling appointments. We plan our week of dinners and I usually have time to update the blog with whichever new activity we tried over the weekend. Perhaps it's more the fact that I really, really like planning and setting goals, and that wasn't so much my strong suit in college. But I just feel rested and refreshed and prepared for the work week ahead. Maybe when I have kids, the idea os having a day of contentment to myself will change. (Enter screaming children and snack packs and soccer practices). But as of right now, I'm more excited about my outlook change on Sundays than I am irritated that I'm clearly becoming more adult, whether I had intended to or not.


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